A Quote a Day Keeps the Love Here

I’ve been nominated for the I SING THE BODY ELECTRIC challenge today by the one and only lizalizaskysaregrey. I’d like to thank her most profusely and hope that I am up to the challenge as I love quotes, but I’m off to surgery in the morning.  I will try to post my quote for tomorrow before they wheel me off!  Hopefully I won’t be too out of sorts on Saturday to post as well.  Thank you Liza so very much for thinking of me.  I’ve selected a quote from my favorite series and nominated some great bloggers to participate in this cool idea!  Keep this rolling.  It will grow and It will expose us all to more of each other’s blog posts as well.  Let’s grow together!

Two of my favorite literary characters are Jamie and Claire Fraser.  Their love is a true and pure love, although it didn’t start out that way.  I won’t spoil anything by reviewing this series, which is by and large my absolutely favorite, because I would simply give away too many spoilers.  I have read and reread the entire series so many times.  I watch the series on Starz as well and I will tell you that it is excellently cast and so well done.

I chose this quote to be my first quote of my 3 day challenge of quotes because it epitomizes the truest of loves.  I feel this for my husband.  Well, when I’m not being a terribly wretched human who is ungrateful for the wonderful things he does for me.  Yes, I have so acted this way towards him.  I hate when I do that, too!  I love him with my whole heart.  I wouldn’t be the person I am without him.  When you hear the cheesy phrase, “he completes me”, they are referring to my Hubs and I.  No, seriously.

We keep each other in check.  It doesn’t mean we always get along.  In fact, quite the contrary.  We often do disagree and I am the over-the-top extrovert, whereas he is the quiet introvert.  Somehow, we complete each other to make one whole person that makes sense.  We bounce ideas off each other and when I’m upset, and I’m often upset, he always, somehow magically, makes me feel better.

Rules of this challenge are as follows:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you.
  2. Post a quote for three consecutive days.
  3. Nominate three new bloggers each day.

Today I nominate:

  1. peacefrompanic.wordpress.com
  2. https://msnubutterflies.wordpress.com
  3. https://atribeuntangled.com/

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